That was the time I knew that 'she' was the one. 'She' was the missing part in my life, 'she' was my sunshine, 'she' was my inspiration. As time goes by, that place was my second home. I would drop by everyday without fail though I knew that we were the losing side to those peeps who were 4-5 years our senior.
It was a place where I learned all my profanities and sarcasm from those peepz.
It was a place where I fought with quite a number of people.
It was a place where chinese tea taste the best after a 2 hours game under the sun.
It was a place where I felt the joy of winning.
It was a place where I learned patience and respect for the game and people around me.
It was a place where I realised how lucky am I to be in the Tan family.
A place where enemy turns friends.
A place where nicknames were used to call a person, I was gorilla.. *lol*
A place where people would describe me as fit. *look into shirt, and sigh~*
A place I would laugh myself out loudly without bothering about courtesy.
A place where nobody cares about how you look, as long you play the game well, you have their respect.
Here was where I grew up where I acquire my true self.....
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