First and foremost, I find that this people has the capability to shape your attitude especially if you spend a lot of time with them. Think about it, your opinions towards the environment, social life and basically everything in life. In other words the way you invest your time in people would shape the man you become, that is why it is important for a person expand his horizon by travelling to new places and see new things. For example, if you spend time listening to people constantly complaining about his job, his screwed up love life, his fucked up family and all. Initially this will rub off on you and one question do they leave you having so charged up of your life and that you are now having the view towards your objective in life.. Hell NO right? logic explains it all. They will juice up that negative energy and eventually they will have that vibe instill in you and teaches you to look at life as a victim of it. That is just bad attitude I would say.
Next, this type of company would derail you from your goal you have planned. Ever had this experience when you planned to read this book, clean your home, save the cat, wash the car, spend more time with your loved ones, expand your business, contribute constructive opinions towards saving the middle eastern etc.. Then that phone of yours ring telling you to go out to hang out some place immediately. The next thing you know, you are waking up early in the morning tired after that console you gave to him and the worst part is all that activities you planned to do on that night are delayed obviously. What I'm trying to explain here is that you gotta take up that courage to actually say NO to certain activities that might ruined your plan or agenda for the day. Logically if people constantly pull you away from your plan, consequently this will make you unbalanced in certain ways if you are not achieving your personal goal. Lets say taking the pass for the night causes them to tease you or make fun of your other goals instead of supporting them, what is the point actually of going out with them? Good friends would want you to succeed though they may be busting your balls left and right with those silly things you did last time as long the intention is good. You simply gotta use that inner self of yours to feel that intention out, it is no technique to it. Toxic friends on the other hand are afraid of seeing you succeed because they are not succeeding in theirs. If your friends aren't respectful of your dreams and ambitions, they won't respect the time you devote to those pursuits, and they'll try and get you to come to do shitz or listen to them whine.
There is a saying that you would earn a quite similar amount of salary with that group of friends you are spending time with. So, what is the advice her, hang out with people with rich people. Not all perhaps. Success in business is related to drive, hard work, persistence, and a hundred other qualities. High earners bring value to their companies and are rewarded for it. Their outer reality reflects their inner reality. Thus, hang out around people who give value to their companies. They're much more likely to give value to their friends as well. It is just my mere opinion but it is all up to you on how you evaluate a person. Some rich brats who inherited their father's business could not be ALL screwed up.. =/ Something to ponder about huh.. Well I talked to quite a number of them, some maybe arrogant and boastful so just ignore those bastards I would say. They are of no benefit.
OK lets say if those mentioned above have not influenced you in a slightest way, how about this, by accepting the company of toxic people you are not only hurting yourself but you are also hurting them. Ouch it may sound, but it is true ; by being available to hang out and hear all of your friends’ problems, you are allowing them to continue in their negativity. If they have a sympathetic ear and a cold beer on hand to deal with their sorrow, they're going to continue using negativity as a path through life. Problems are meant to challenge us, to make us grow by rising to the occasion. It's not always easy, but the true path around a problem is through it: stepping up, manning up and solving what needs to be solved. By always being sympathetic when your friends complain, you're allowing them to be beat by the problems in their lives. It's a cruel world out there which only the strongest survive; battle of the foetus.
If anyone who happened to flip through this page, perhaps you should start sorting out your friends. The toxic and non-toxic friends. Nevertheless, do not get confused with my point here. Everyone has ups and down, or bad times of the year, or their life. That is the time where your true friend will need a shoulder to cry on, somebody to listen or even some real help. None of that makes your friend a negative person. You are wise enough to distinguish the person who is having a bad day, bad month or bad year versus those who chose the path to be in dump and do not take the initiative to make a change to themselves. Friendship is one of the very best parts of life. And don't tolerate the people who use you as a crutch -- you'll end up smelling like an armpit.

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